Monday 22 December 2008

Little monkey

Today Elliot found she could clime over her car seat onto the parcel shelf of the car, luckly the pushchair was in the boot as our parcel shelf is not solid. She thought it was wonderful and i just couldnt resist a photo :) shes doing something new every day its an amazing time :)

Wednesday 10 December 2008

Another Santa Visit

After the visit to see Santa at Raby we thought we'd take Elliot to see him again but this time at the Metro Centre, he's a busy man this year, he seems to be everywhere we go! We think she's starting to understand now that the jolly old soul gives her nice toys!

Sunday 7 December 2008

Raby Castle Riding Santa's Sleigh

After visiting Santa, he let us sit in his sleigh, he had to tie it down though, otherwise we might have floated away!

Raby Castle Santa's Grotto

Elliot was a little shy of Santa but Lady protected her whilst she plotted to grab the pressie!

Raby Castle Before Santa

Before seeing Santa Elliot was really looking forwards to meeting the jolly red man, and celebrated with lots of smiles and running around the lovely grounds.

Saturday 6 December 2008

Christmas Angel

Mummy and Daddy try to get a good photo for the greeting cards but Elliot tries to explain that the Christmas outfit is supposed to wait until Christmas day!

Tuesday 2 December 2008

Christmas Tree time!

We put the Christmas tree up early this year, Daddy normally prefers to put it up late, but is feeling the Christmas cheer early. Elliot loved helping Mummy to decorate the tree this year, we think the beads were the biggest hit... although she definitely loves removing the fancy decorations from the tree too!

Saturday 29 November 2008

Peekaboo and Park

Elliot loves playing peekaboo and was hiding behine mummys dressing gown before peeking out like above. She doesn't yet say boo, or peekaboo, but hopefully now her language is picking up she will soon.
Mummy took her to the park and despite Elliot loving it, mummy fell and hurt herself!

Saturday 15 November 2008

Autumn in Cheshire

A couple of pictures from our time in cheshire she loved walking in Delamere, she especially loved the puddles and colourful leaves. Little dear needed a big sleep when we got back to the house though!

Sunday 9 November 2008


Daddy took Elliot swimming today and Mummy was there to take photo's, she was quite well behaved today, and didn't make much of a fuss. She loves "Monkey, Monkeying" around the pool side.

Saturday 8 November 2008

Bonfire Night

Fireworks at Ashbrooke, Elliot and Mummy are besotted with the sparkly explosions. "Oooooh sparkly!"

Thursday 6 November 2008

Retro Elliot

Living in the past

Daddy's birthday

Went to frankie and bennies for birthday dinner, little one behaved for a while but didn't like waiting for her pasta!

Saturday 25 October 2008

Building blocks

Warning engineer at work


Finally her hair is long enough to in into pigtails. She looks really cheeky but very cute!

Thursday 16 October 2008

Discovery museum

Went to the discovery museum in newcastle on saturday last week and elliot loved the Tyne river model

Sunday 28 September 2008

Saltwell park

Elliot loves it!

Stripping marvelous

I think the picture tells the story!

Saturday 30 August 2008

Saturday 26 July 2008

Slides are fun

13 months old and climbing up slides unaided the little tike!

Monday 14 July 2008


Did mummy push her? You decide!

Sunday 6 July 2008

The joy of boxes.

We visited some friends last weekend and elliot was introduced to the delights of boxes.

Stan and Jo

In a box!

Monday 30 June 2008

Push bike fun!

This is elliot's first trike, it was a first birthday gift from grandpa Tony and if you can't tell she absolutely adores it!

Saturday 28 June 2008

Peek a boo!

This is now what our monthly shopping trip looks like. Can u spot the babe :)at least she finds it funny :)

Just chillin

Elliot was bought this ball pool by aunty katie 4 her birthday. caught her having a fab time just chillin, and rolling around :) what u cant see is her laughing she thinks its fab. :)

Sunday 22 June 2008

Angel festival

Elliot explains the correct procedure for putting up the magnetic display boards which coincidentaly fell down when she toddled past!

Saturday 21 June 2008


And lots of them, all she does at the moment is wall backwards and forwards, we're amazed at how quickly her little steps changed from one or two into walking backwards and forwards across the rooms or corridor. Fab!

Friday 20 June 2008

Chester zoo

Somehow i didn't get a picture of elliot looking at any of the animals so instead here's one of her pointing at something mummy was also staring at!

Wednesday 18 June 2008


Today was our third anniversary so i thought i'd put a picture of Billie on here today.

Tuesday 17 June 2008


Spent today shopping in the trafford centre, not sure if little one loved it, but she seemed to enjoy herself. She's now fast asleep for a while

Saturday 14 June 2008

She's farmer...

Tad she has a cow e i e i o!

Thursday 12 June 2008

I'm telling mummy!

Daddy upset her today so she stole my mobile to phone mummy and tittle tattle on me!

Future horse trainer?

Not content with riding Chester, Elliot has taken up her new hobby of pushing him around. Move over horse whisperers this is how you make horses do what you want!

Sunday 8 June 2008


Well it speaks for itself

At the beach

Finaly some fab weather. So i snuck home early from work and we took her 2 play on the beach which she loved no suprise really :) but best part 4 her was watching a toddler running in and out with the water as the tide was coming in :) hence the photo :)

Friday 6 June 2008

When not to use a flash

Completely whited her pretty little face out! Silly flash. Daddy finally got his phone back from repair last night. I truly miss the orange days of replacement the next day. 3 suck sometimes

Wednesday 28 May 2008

Dog fascination.

There was a time when the only thing that interested elliot was our smiling faces and cameras would elicit a smile, but now she has decided that all should be ignored in favour of a kiss from the dog. Even when we took her out for a walk with grandma it was the dog that got all of her attention. Here's a piccy from outside subway which demonstrates my meaning! :)

Thursday 22 May 2008


Trying to find mummys page.

Tuesday 20 May 2008

Tears and laughter

Little one was feeling so independant on sunday that she wanted to feed herself the custard. Sadly she'd already eaten it so the tears were flowing while mean daddy found it funny. :)

Saturday 17 May 2008

Feeding time at the zoo

And she's behaving well. Note the very sticky hands, she adores dairylea triangles.

Thursday 15 May 2008

Improved reading

We know she really doesn't understand but look how she turns the pages and scans the pictures. Fab!

Wednesday 14 May 2008

Future Sportswoman

Possibly? She's getting really good at this game now. Her coordination has improved so much! She was even feeding herself with a fork and spoon last night

Saturday 10 May 2008

Stan's Birthday

I didn't manage to get a decent photo of them both so here's one of her before messy play

Monday 5 May 2008

New shoes

Elliot's first pair of real shoes. Her feet are size 3.5G. Clarks made a real occasion of it by takins a photo and putting it in a little card, which saved us doing it :). Now we're on a long road of buying new shoes every two months or less! Still not a year old and she already has a shoe fetish!

Sunday 4 May 2008

Spencers revenge

Spencer has final realised he is bigger than elliot and how 2 get his own back when she wont leave him alone :)

Saturday 3 May 2008


We went to see the ducks in the park on Thursday, sadly i forgot the bread :(

Friday 25 April 2008

Rocking horse

Finally managed to get a picture of her on her horse chester, she even managed to rock it slightly :)

Wednesday 16 April 2008


Elliot plays catch the bubbles

Saturday 12 April 2008

Shared reading

Elliot's cousins are moving down to london next week so we went to visit before they go. After some scrapping over dummies and toys they eventually agreed sharing was a good idea. :)

Saturday 5 April 2008

Cousin cuddles

Visiting family and cousin cameron shows elliot and auntie billie how you cuddle properly

Friday 4 April 2008

Comparison pic

See last entry

Does she look like her dad?

I'm starting to question whether she actualy shares my facial features to the extent people claim. She is a mini me mannerisms wise but i dont see the facial match. I think she's much more like her mum. :)

Sunday 30 March 2008

The lion sleeps

Just been to her swimming lesson and now it's time for a rest before the family visiting begins

Monday 24 March 2008


We got the little one christened this morning on Easter Sunday.
Here are some pictures of us and her dress!
Thanks to everyone who came.