Friday 29 May 2009

Fashion Girl

It looks like she's been taking some tips on fashion from Gok!

Thursday 21 May 2009

Friday 15 May 2009


Elliot loves the hairdryer!

Wednesday 13 May 2009

Elliot's new bed

Well today mummy turned Elliots cot into a big bed, and it appears Elliot is delighted, and to prove it showed us how much she can bounce on it. I am trying to down load a vidio clip but if it wont then the photos will have to do :o) Elliot also seemed to quiet like lying down not just bounceing and fingers crossed tonight went to bed quiet well nd even tho she wanted us to go back in and say goodnight twice she hadnt got out of bed :o) fingers crossed it will continue :o)

Sunday 10 May 2009

Stans Birthday

Today was Stan's 2 Birthday and to celebrate we all went to tanfield railway this was the first time Elliot had been on a train or even seen one up close it seemed a real hit, she also loved walking over the bride and looking at the horse on the other side of the platform. a lovely time was had by all :o)
so here is a few photos one of mummy looking rather large but happy :o) one with daddy looking at the train, the last is daddy and Elliot with Debbie and Stan watching the train leave.

Elliots new bike

Not sure who likes it more daddy or Elliot, mummy thinks daddy as Elliot calls it the wobbly bike :)

Friday 1 May 2009

Day in the park

With Debbie and Stan