Monday 22 June 2009

Birthday girl!

Elliot's 2 where has the time gone! here she is playing with daddy on her new train set witch is taking over the living room for the moment.
also is a picture of the lovely fairy dress aunty kay and uncle tony bought for her. she loves wairing the dress as daddy makes her fly!
a fun day has ben had buy us all.

Friday 19 June 2009

New fishy

Elliot now has a little goldfish, as of yet it doesn't have a name we can pronounce just a 'pop' 'pop' noise.

Wednesday 17 June 2009

1st day of hol

Hospital waiting room at warrington,
We took her to the Doctors yesterday before leaving as her ears seemed bad (along with the awful nappy rash which is really unusual for her!) but the docs said they were ok, just slightly inflamed.
Obviously the doc didn't know what they were talking about because this morning both ears exploded in much the same way they do with every ear infection she gets. After a morning ringing around the Walk in centres in Warrington, during which all in sundry refused to see her on the grounds that she isn't "local" and isn't staying with a "local"! Eventually i ranted at one and was told my only option was to take her to the hospital.
This wasn't an A&E issue, but the local clinics made it one, and after 3 hours waiting in Warrington we eventually managed to take a mere 5 minutes of a Doctors time, in which we told them what the problem was, and what the answer was, only to have them prescribe the drug we told them we needed for her. 125ml's of Amoxycilin 5ml doses 3 times a day, for 5 days.
Considering that we ended up wasting the time of A&E Doctors that have far more seriously injured kids i'm highly unimpressed with the NHS today. Can't fault the eventual treatment by all the medical health professionals at the hospital, but the fact that we ended up there despite trying alternatives can only clearly be a glaring pointer, towards the sheer rediculous red tape beurocracy they have within the NHS at the moment.
With the government doing everything they can to reduce waiting times, why is it that local NHS trusts insist on forcing people who don't need the hospital to end up using it anyway! IDIOCY!
Warrington NHS trust should be ashamed, and whomever it was i spoke to on 01925 6444200 earlier today really needs to think carefully about why they chose a career in the NHS, was it to help people or line their pockets? Because frankly i've never spoken to a professional health carer with a worse attitude towards a parent with a sick child! DISGUSTED!!!
However to end this, Elliot is ok, the penicillin is starting to do it's job and she's now fast asleep, we're hoping for the night! As last night was a bit of a shambles but that's another story!