Friday 28 December 2007

Snuggles in the park

The Brother in-law and his family came over today, so we took the kids to the park. Which gave us an ideal opportunity to take the little one out in the sling with her new coat/cover.
Unsuprisingly it keeps mummy and baby very warm, the only negative thing being the fact that it lacks a hood! Something we would have thought a sensible addition, as it means any rain etc... wouldn't run down little Elliot's Neck. Oh well, was a fab gift and mummy will just have to knit her a scarf!

Thursday 27 December 2007

It's a Cracker!

Ok perhaps it's a day or two late, but we finally got a chance to take a shot of her in-front of the tree with a cracker. Again, the black eye :'( but she still looks cute!

Wednesday 26 December 2007

Black Eye

Naughty daddy slipped no christmas eve and she banged her head. So you may note the black mark below her left eye in the picture below. Oops! Poor little tyke

Boxing Day

It seems that missy was desperate for a long day of fun, frolics and laughter. And so we did our utmost to ensure she had it. ;)

Tuesday 25 December 2007

Fairy Merry Christmas

Well our little fairy brightened up Christmas for us, we visited friends and family all day. And annoyingly recieved more gifts for the little one than ourselves! Can't wait till next year.

Wednesday 19 December 2007

Stylish Headband

Well it's taken nearly 6 months but we finally found one

Sunday 9 December 2007

Introducing Ben

Aww what a cute little boy. Apparently his pedigree name is northern star. I might have that a little wrong but i got lost a little after my sister told us that one of his parents was tiny turner. Hehe cute!

Can stand will stand

Well with a little assistance! Been to visit Katie, Stuart and little Ben the Daschund today.

Friday 30 November 2007


Little darling has a new trick. If she spends time rasping she can not only make us all stare but also make nana jealous!

Thursday 22 November 2007


I see you! But only when i want to!

Thursday 15 November 2007

I wish i could crawl

Not content with rolling all over the place it seems that she's ready to accept that staying in one place just isn't fulfilling enough. Wont be long now it seems

Friday 2 November 2007

Daddys Birthday

So we've taken the dog for a walk, been swimming, had a meal and a few drinks and some tasty cake, oh and not forgetting all those gifts. But truth be told i'd have been happy with nothing other than a hug and a few smiles.

Poorly girly

Well it seems that the little monkey has developed an ear infection. God knows where it's come from but we've now got some banana flavoured medicine and a new hat to cover her ears for a while.

Saturday 27 October 2007

Smiles in whitby

Well we came back to whitby this weekend for the whitby gothic weekend. Not because we're goth's but just to see all the wonderful clothes! She slept most of the day though. I guess the sea air was too much for her.

Wednesday 24 October 2007

Mushed carrot success

Well we've been giving her a small mix of food everyday and it seems that the carrot is a firm favourite. Though more seemed to end up on the table, face,hands, clothes etc than in her mouth. Oh well hopefully this should mean that she sleeps more at night now.

Sunday 21 October 2007

New hat

Knitted by mummy. Isn't it about time aswell folks!

Sunday 14 October 2007

Morning Smiles

And i should bloody well hope so too. After getting me up at 5! Little bugger just doesn't want to sleep at the minute.

Tuesday 2 October 2007

Water baby

Or maybe not. Daddy took a day off work to go to water babies with mummy today but the boiler was broke so no swimming allowed. We had a busy day doing the shopping and buying a new toy. We still went swimming aswell so fingers crossed we haven't caused any damage to the water babies routine :)

Saturday 29 September 2007

Biscuit please

Went to visit grandparents today, cameron and sophie were there. Elliot decided that cameron should share his biscuits, which he did giving us a real scare. Little monkeys. :)

Wednesday 26 September 2007

Family visitors

Grandma and auntie Katie came to entertain twisty tonight. She was actually quite well behaved too.

Monday 24 September 2007

Yoga champion

Well maybe one day. But for now she's just modelling the latest piglet fashion

Thursday 13 September 2007

Smiles again

Been a while since i last took a decent photo on the phone. Here's one from Billies

Wednesday 5 September 2007

Reading already

It seems that one can never be too young to read. She's been happy reading the new book mummy bought for her yesterday. Aww bless

Butterfly impresses!

But left daddy distraught after Elliot shunned him for the new discovery.

Monday 3 September 2007

I don't want to go to work.

It's hard to leave the duo every morning for work. At least i know they're going to be there when i get home.

Saturday 1 September 2007

Portland Bill wins award

For capturing the little ones attention when she only wanted to ignore me. Nick jr rocks for us parents as much as her!

Friday 31 August 2007

Daddys dinner today

Has much the same consistency as babys nappy last night. No wonder she was so twisty!

Thursday 30 August 2007

Back into a routine?

With any luck. She's nice and tired here and we're hoping she's back in a routine

Sunday 26 August 2007

Visit to Tony's

Title says it all. Has been a long time since I posted last (laziness on my part... I'm sorry!)

Monday 20 August 2007

Home at last

And flipping exhausted!

Saturday 18 August 2007

Laminate is great

This photo was taken in leicester on emilys floor. Elliot was discovering how easy it is to slide on the wood floors if she kicks daddy hard. The little sod! Better picture of emily to be added later.

Tuesday 14 August 2007

Trouble lurks

Well after taking a week off to go down to norley we thought she would behave. But the innocent smile is deceptive because little monster didn't want to sleep at all ever! Oh well :)

Wednesday 1 August 2007

Smug Mummy

Has demonstrated how best to bath the baby on your own, without any help whatsoever. Well unless you count me floating around with a camera annoying her and Elliot.
Will post more later, Auntie Katie and Grandma came to visit aswell tonight.
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Tuesday 31 July 2007

Mummy walks downtown!

After being instructed to take things easy yesterday, mummy decided to completely ignore the advice given by the doctors/nurses/people with common sense and walked all the way into Sunderland City Centre. Now i have to admit it's not more than a couple of miles (at most) But after being told to STOP DOING THINGS! she has completely managed to ignore the advice and risk worsening the wound.
However i can't be too harsh, she's bored in the house all day with just a tiny baby to talk to. So the time walking down the town gives her an opportunity to talk to friends and other adults.
Top left in the photograph is one of the gifts from Emily, it's a lovely Lion, whom i have taken to calling Parsley (by view of the fact that he's a very friendly lion!)
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Sunday 29 July 2007

Smiley's Excited!

And so she should be. Today was Daddys day to introduce her to the Delights of an Airshow with the rest of the Family.
After a promising start to the day, with smiler being 100% awake and active things took a slight turn, as we got held up before leaving the house and by the time we got to the beach she was completely asleep and had no intention of waking up.
We located ourselves right next to a re-enactment spot on the beach, with some marines carrying an LMG and their SA-80's, partly because we got there after the family and partly because i had a remote hope that the gunfire would wake the little one up.
However after watching the RAF Falcons drop right next to us (amazing!) the Marines staged a seabourne landing on the beach with the troops next to us imitating the "enemy". To my amazement the repeated clatter and bangs of a rapid firing machine gun really had no affect on her, basically she twitched a little but continued to sleep through it.
Sadly because Daddy was so enthralled by the air displays he basically completely forgot to video or photo mummy or the baby and for that i'm afraid i must apologise to everyone. I'm sorry that my attention wasn't focused on the sleepy one, i'll get some proper photo's next year (on the camera i intend to buy to replace my old SLR Fuji digicam)
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Saturday 28 July 2007

Wedding Day!

Emma's wedding day arrived and passed very well for little Elliot. She behaved impecably for the entire day. (After an atrocious night before - clearly she must have exhausted herself!) The wedding was quite late on in the day (5 O'clock) so we weren't sure what to expect as she usually seems to twist a lot in the early evening.
However she behaved very well and the only real moment of anguish was just before the ceremony when she decided that she simply had to have a good feed. Meaning that Mummy was left to find a secluded spot in the hall and feed the monster.
It was a lovely ceremony and despite the "on/off" rain there were still plenty of photographs taken.
The reception was quite late and it was 10pm by the time the speaches were done and the food had been eaten, but even still Elliot really didn't make much fuss. Fingers crossed she stays like this!
Congratulations Emma and Mike, Thanks for letting us bring the little one.
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Friday 27 July 2007

Hello Emily & Chris

Auntie Emily and Uncle Chris came to visit today, partly in preperation for the wedding, but mostly because Emily was desperate to finally see Elliot.
They brought her some lovely stuff! Bibs, a Toy, Towels and a potty! (hehe.. might be a few years before that one starts getting used!) And as an added suprise Emilys parents had bought the little tyke a little outfit with socks and everything.
We've been looking at all the cards that have turned up for Elliot, it's amazing how many people we actually know and regularly forget to send cards to. But it's nice to know they dont forget us.
Elliot took kindly to both Emily and Chris though her new found passion for passing wind repeatedly is proving to be not only a source of humour for daddy, but an easy way for her to get passed back to her mummy or daddy. Perhaps it's a developing defense mechanism!
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Monday 23 July 2007

Foot Mystery solved!

At the scan during Mummys pregnancy the babys feet had been pictured in this position. The midwife was completely unable to explain it.
I think we found the answer to how she managed it!
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Sunday 22 July 2007

Uncle Mark

Well it's been a bloody long time since i saw Mark so it was great to finally catch up. Elliot got to meet his Mystery Fiancee which i knew nothing about until today!
The little sneak!!!!! Nikki was fab, and Mark looks really happy and well. Elliot was extremely comfortable and relaxed around them both, so fingers crossed we've found another pair of "sitters" Mwhahaha
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Saturday 21 July 2007

Sleepy Smiles!

Just to prove that she even gives us massive smiles in her sleep! don't you just just ant to squeeze those cheeks! ;) The little Cutie!
Today we have mostly been reading the new Harry Potter book £5 for the hardback in Asda, we really can't complain. It's had me hooked most of the day.
I have to be honest, it's been very good, i'd expect to finish it very quickly though. at only 600ish pages i think it's shorter than the last been. But it's got a much bigger body count! very nice! hehehe... *SPOILER WARNING* I was impressed that Rowling decided to kill off the owl! No doubt there will be kids all around the world in tears through this cruelty to animals travesty, but from what i've read of the book so far, Potter doesn't even really seem to care at all. Yes it's mentioned a few times. but not really more than a passing twinge of sorrow.
Err.. i better get back to posting something about the baby now! ;)
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Friday 20 July 2007

Sling Time

Billie tried Elliot in the sling again today, she's been desperate to try the sling ever since she got out of hospital but until today hasn't felt strong enough to wear it.
I think it'll be a while before she uses it often, but now we've seen that it's fairly easy to use and that Billie is able to wear it without getting too sore over a short time.
Here's a pic of mummy looking very pleased with herself!
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Thursday 19 July 2007

Auntie Katies Dress

Well we've promised she'd wear it, and here it is. It's taken a while to post as we've been busy. I have to admit i really am not a fan of dresses, but the more she wears them the more they grow on me. I even bought her one myself.
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