Sunday 29 July 2007

Smiley's Excited!

And so she should be. Today was Daddys day to introduce her to the Delights of an Airshow with the rest of the Family.
After a promising start to the day, with smiler being 100% awake and active things took a slight turn, as we got held up before leaving the house and by the time we got to the beach she was completely asleep and had no intention of waking up.
We located ourselves right next to a re-enactment spot on the beach, with some marines carrying an LMG and their SA-80's, partly because we got there after the family and partly because i had a remote hope that the gunfire would wake the little one up.
However after watching the RAF Falcons drop right next to us (amazing!) the Marines staged a seabourne landing on the beach with the troops next to us imitating the "enemy". To my amazement the repeated clatter and bangs of a rapid firing machine gun really had no affect on her, basically she twitched a little but continued to sleep through it.
Sadly because Daddy was so enthralled by the air displays he basically completely forgot to video or photo mummy or the baby and for that i'm afraid i must apologise to everyone. I'm sorry that my attention wasn't focused on the sleepy one, i'll get some proper photo's next year (on the camera i intend to buy to replace my old SLR Fuji digicam)
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