Saturday 28 July 2007

Wedding Day!

Emma's wedding day arrived and passed very well for little Elliot. She behaved impecably for the entire day. (After an atrocious night before - clearly she must have exhausted herself!) The wedding was quite late on in the day (5 O'clock) so we weren't sure what to expect as she usually seems to twist a lot in the early evening.
However she behaved very well and the only real moment of anguish was just before the ceremony when she decided that she simply had to have a good feed. Meaning that Mummy was left to find a secluded spot in the hall and feed the monster.
It was a lovely ceremony and despite the "on/off" rain there were still plenty of photographs taken.
The reception was quite late and it was 10pm by the time the speaches were done and the food had been eaten, but even still Elliot really didn't make much fuss. Fingers crossed she stays like this!
Congratulations Emma and Mike, Thanks for letting us bring the little one.
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