Saturday 25 July 2009

sunderland air show

Well we had a fab day as im sure you could see from the above photos, Elliot loved running in and out of the waves untill she fell and then played the rest of the day in a small puddle half way up the beach, but she managed to get even more wet doing this but as you can see she had a really good day, and found plenty of other children to play with all much older than her. when she fainally got hungry she allwed us to wrap her in a towel and watch a few planes including the one daddy had been waiting for all day (the vulcan). then elliot got dresses and had an ice cream, witch at the time i did say she looked to tired to eat but knowing Elliot and ice cream Daddy said she would sleep while eating it well Daddy was wrong and bless her here she is sound as a pound still holdng her ice cream, she got through most of it :o) bless!

Friday 24 July 2009

Elliot and Mummys trip to the midwife

Mummy had a midwife appointment this thursday and as it was mummys day off Elliot had to come with her. Elliot seemed to have had a fab time as she keeps telling everyone that she heard baby bobs heart, as we got to listen to the babys heart beat, and she loves to tell everyone that the woman wiped off the jelly with a wet wipe, this is the stuff they put on so they can hear the baby. think one of her most favourit things was watching them taking blood out of my arm she watched intensly and asked lots of questions :o) bless her she just likes to know eveything these days. Elliot loves to know everything about the baby and to watch it move, it just amazes us how much she seems to take in, and remember. :o)
All is well with the baby im measuring exactly for my weeks, has a good strong heart beat. oh and has one hell of a hit and kick as the babe moves loads more than Elliot did and isnt quiet as well behaved it has been breach then the right way and is now transvers (lieing across my stomack instead of up and down) so im still sticking with its a boy, but not to long to wait and find out :o)

Elliots painting

This is a lovely picture of the fifi doll next to it
Elliot painted this at nursery today, you will notice the doll also has paint on her this would be beacuse she painted around fifi but what we were all mostimpressed wit is how observant she is as she only used the colours of fifi even though there was a full range of colours topaint with , clever clogs that she is.

Friday 10 July 2009

Bump getting bigger

I know its Elliots blog but thought i pic of babe 2 would be a nice addition :)

Monday 6 July 2009

Babe having a great time at nursery

Nursery send me pictures on a regular basis at different times during the day so i can see what she has been up to, I just thought this was such a fantastic photo elliot at her checky best I had to share it, this is her posey smile, if you ask her to smile this is what you get, very cheeky but soo cute. and what a lovely picture to boot

The babe looking cute

Daddy was at work on saturday, so we sent him this photo to show how much we were missing him :o)

Babe in the dog house :)

The babe can now spot a pets at home from 50paces, so as soon as we pull into the car park she starts pointing and telling us that she wants to go in and visit the bunny rabbits which she loves. at the moment she cant get passed the dog houses there just her size. :o)