Saturday 25 July 2009

sunderland air show

Well we had a fab day as im sure you could see from the above photos, Elliot loved running in and out of the waves untill she fell and then played the rest of the day in a small puddle half way up the beach, but she managed to get even more wet doing this but as you can see she had a really good day, and found plenty of other children to play with all much older than her. when she fainally got hungry she allwed us to wrap her in a towel and watch a few planes including the one daddy had been waiting for all day (the vulcan). then elliot got dresses and had an ice cream, witch at the time i did say she looked to tired to eat but knowing Elliot and ice cream Daddy said she would sleep while eating it well Daddy was wrong and bless her here she is sound as a pound still holdng her ice cream, she got through most of it :o) bless!

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