Friday 24 July 2009

Elliot and Mummys trip to the midwife

Mummy had a midwife appointment this thursday and as it was mummys day off Elliot had to come with her. Elliot seemed to have had a fab time as she keeps telling everyone that she heard baby bobs heart, as we got to listen to the babys heart beat, and she loves to tell everyone that the woman wiped off the jelly with a wet wipe, this is the stuff they put on so they can hear the baby. think one of her most favourit things was watching them taking blood out of my arm she watched intensly and asked lots of questions :o) bless her she just likes to know eveything these days. Elliot loves to know everything about the baby and to watch it move, it just amazes us how much she seems to take in, and remember. :o)
All is well with the baby im measuring exactly for my weeks, has a good strong heart beat. oh and has one hell of a hit and kick as the babe moves loads more than Elliot did and isnt quiet as well behaved it has been breach then the right way and is now transvers (lieing across my stomack instead of up and down) so im still sticking with its a boy, but not to long to wait and find out :o)

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