Friday 22 June 2007

Elliots Arrival!

I wont bore everyone with the full account of what happened over the last 48 hours. But we are happy to announce that at 15.39 today (22/06/07) we were blessed with the arrival of the delightful Elliot.
She (Yes, you read that correctly - I believe the name was pilfered from Scrubs by my wife for use by a girl rather than the traditional Male - ET recipient.) arrived after a fairly lengthy, tiring labour. At the present time i have little belief that i would ever persuade Mrs O to EVER go through the entire process again, but that's a bridge we'll cross when she's finally recovered from this ordeal!
So without further ado here's a picture of our tired but happy trio.
Oh and some vital statistics!

Name: Elliot Kaylee
DoB: 22/06/07 @ 15.39
Weight: 10lb (on the dot!)
Height: 23 Inches (I guess this is more "Length" presently as it'll be a while before she's standing!)
Labour Length: (To be entered when we finally decide!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congratulations guys!! I hope you're not too tired. Lovely to see you all, though not enough pics of Billie !
Take care, look forward to seeing updates.

Love lis' et al xxx