Wednesday 27 June 2007

It must be love

Well i'm sure there are other words for it, but basically mans best friend has taken a deep shine to the little one.
We've never really had any doubts about Spencer and children, he's proven time and time again with the relatives kiddies that he's comfortable around them and moreso that they are comfortable with him.
I didn't take this picture myself, i believe i was fast asleep in the middle of the afternoon getting some rest for the nightshift i find myself on at the moment (but thats a story for another time).
I think this shot captures pretty much how he feels about her. She's noisy, she keeps him up at night and she makes so many different smells he's completely outdone. But it's quite clear that he's already taken to her as one of the family and one that requires his constant monitoring and protection.
The last example of this being this evening, when i was changing her nappy. He sidled up to me to enquire as to whether i had correctly cleaned her off, because he knows that if i don't he has to tell mummy so she can make me do it again. This time i passed his inspection and he not only gave me a lick he also licked her feet. (i guess i missed a little bit!), before turning around and reporting back to the boss.
He's given us a good scare though so he's not all sweetness and light. We all know and understand that dogs and postmen don't mix but in his eagerness to bite the postmans fingers he obviously partly forgot that Elliot was strapped into the rocker beneath him (He'd demoted her to the floor when he decided the spot next to mummy on the sofa was his). the letter box click clacked and in less than a millisecond he was already in the air flying past a sleeping Elliot and barking at the door. To the shock and dismay of both of us, but looking back it's quite clear he hadn't forgotten she was there, just that he didn't fully understand the danger he was causing by jumping over her. We'll just have to keep an eye on him and not put Elliot in his way for the time being until we can get these doggy urges under control (i don't hold out much hope of this, we've had him nine years and this is one urge we want him to keep to ensure that the unwanted visitors are kept away in the middle of the night)
Honestly I'm really impressed with the way he's taken to her, i'll be frank and say that i really didn't expect any less, but it's great to see him settle so well.

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