Tuesday 26 June 2007

First time shopping!

No matter how much people tell you that you should stock up on food before the happy event, it seems to me that there's far less than a 5% chance you would ever actually manage to achieve this. I'll explain; Once we hit the due date (13th) the house was full to the brim with chewable and drinkable goodies but once you pass the due date and there's no sign of little ones arrival the stocks deplete rapidly. Especially with visitors and the like.
So on that line today we awoke to discover that the fridge was barren, the cupboards were bare and the bread bin was empty. After much distress and my own complaints a list was created and i was ready to go forth and replenish the stocks. Until i was informed that i would be accompanied by Elliot and Billie.
So what is ordinarily less than a 60 minute job, actually took in excess of two hours, and in all honesty the little one stepped up to the plate and settled into a deep, relaxed sleep for the entire time. The only moment of panic coming when we realised that we'd forgotten to put a hat on her!!
I have a new found respect for my wife, four days out of surgery and she's already walking around with determination and complete disregard of the pain she must be feeling. I have to admit that in the past i have often felt she was prone to complaining for the sake of just frustrating me, but it's clear she's made of sterner stuff.
She said yesterday that every time she looks at Elliot she loves her a little bit more, i'd just like to steal that and apply it to the pair of you. Everytime i look at you both, i love you both a whole lot more.
Now.. if only Elli will settle for a good sleep in the evening so i could have a proper play on Company of Heroes!
PS: More cards arrived today, thanks everyone.
PPS: sorry no picture of the shopping trip, daddy forgot to bring the camera and the mobile phones battery was flat! Silly Daddy!!

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