Saturday 30 June 2007

Thank-you Nana!

Well it's probably a little shameful to admit that if it wasn't for Nana the house would still be in a shocking state.
Nana has spent the whole day, tidying, cleaning, cooking and generally doing as much useful stuff as possible because Mummy and Daddy are either too poorly or too lazy/preoccupied (respectively) to actually get around to doing it.
And so it is with shame that i hang my head and admit that if it wasn't for Nana i think the likelihood is that we would probably have spent the whole day living in our own squalor. I'd love to blame the baby for this, but sadly as family read this website i know i would never get away with such a blatant lie. Instead i shall just claim that I've simply been overwhelmed with how much i really need to do around the house while my wife is recuperating.
I have managed to feed the wife and keep her watered while she feeds and waters Elliot, but the sleepless nights (and believe me i have been getting more sleep than Billie) have gotten to me and the housework was way at the bottom of the list of priorities, below food and clothing. So...
Thank-you Nana! I shall make sure you get a big hug in the morrow.
PS. Yeah OK i admit it, I'm possessive but all i can say truthfully to that is... :P~
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