Friday 29 June 2007

Will they stay blue?

Well it's a question we've both been wondering. At the moment she still has bright blue eyes, which are similar to my own, we both know that the pair of us carry blue eye alleles, but my wife has green eyes and i think seeing as that at the moment Elliot basically looks to have inherited most of my features, the eye colour was a hot potato issue.
Billie insists that all babies are born with blue eyes and that despite being unlikely it's possible her eyes will change colour. However i am not convinced this is a likely possibility. I've been wondering about this whole inheriting attributes issue.
At the moment she looks remarkably like i did at a young age, she's got my eyes, my nose, my cheeks (i think), my dimples, my hair colour, unfortunately my toes! and it seems possibly my temper, but i refute that claim! I believe this early appearance of a fathers features is an age old trait, and she's unlikely to remain this way for ever, something to do with encouraging wandering fathers in 'ye olde times' to accept and stay with their child! Fascinating stuff, i can't wait to see how she grows up to find out if they are right.

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