Tuesday 31 July 2007

Mummy walks downtown!

After being instructed to take things easy yesterday, mummy decided to completely ignore the advice given by the doctors/nurses/people with common sense and walked all the way into Sunderland City Centre. Now i have to admit it's not more than a couple of miles (at most) But after being told to STOP DOING THINGS! she has completely managed to ignore the advice and risk worsening the wound.
However i can't be too harsh, she's bored in the house all day with just a tiny baby to talk to. So the time walking down the town gives her an opportunity to talk to friends and other adults.
Top left in the photograph is one of the gifts from Emily, it's a lovely Lion, whom i have taken to calling Parsley (by view of the fact that he's a very friendly lion!)
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Sunday 29 July 2007

Smiley's Excited!

And so she should be. Today was Daddys day to introduce her to the Delights of an Airshow with the rest of the Family.
After a promising start to the day, with smiler being 100% awake and active things took a slight turn, as we got held up before leaving the house and by the time we got to the beach she was completely asleep and had no intention of waking up.
We located ourselves right next to a re-enactment spot on the beach, with some marines carrying an LMG and their SA-80's, partly because we got there after the family and partly because i had a remote hope that the gunfire would wake the little one up.
However after watching the RAF Falcons drop right next to us (amazing!) the Marines staged a seabourne landing on the beach with the troops next to us imitating the "enemy". To my amazement the repeated clatter and bangs of a rapid firing machine gun really had no affect on her, basically she twitched a little but continued to sleep through it.
Sadly because Daddy was so enthralled by the air displays he basically completely forgot to video or photo mummy or the baby and for that i'm afraid i must apologise to everyone. I'm sorry that my attention wasn't focused on the sleepy one, i'll get some proper photo's next year (on the camera i intend to buy to replace my old SLR Fuji digicam)
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Saturday 28 July 2007

Wedding Day!

Emma's wedding day arrived and passed very well for little Elliot. She behaved impecably for the entire day. (After an atrocious night before - clearly she must have exhausted herself!) The wedding was quite late on in the day (5 O'clock) so we weren't sure what to expect as she usually seems to twist a lot in the early evening.
However she behaved very well and the only real moment of anguish was just before the ceremony when she decided that she simply had to have a good feed. Meaning that Mummy was left to find a secluded spot in the hall and feed the monster.
It was a lovely ceremony and despite the "on/off" rain there were still plenty of photographs taken.
The reception was quite late and it was 10pm by the time the speaches were done and the food had been eaten, but even still Elliot really didn't make much fuss. Fingers crossed she stays like this!
Congratulations Emma and Mike, Thanks for letting us bring the little one.
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Friday 27 July 2007

Hello Emily & Chris

Auntie Emily and Uncle Chris came to visit today, partly in preperation for the wedding, but mostly because Emily was desperate to finally see Elliot.
They brought her some lovely stuff! Bibs, a Toy, Towels and a potty! (hehe.. might be a few years before that one starts getting used!) And as an added suprise Emilys parents had bought the little tyke a little outfit with socks and everything.
We've been looking at all the cards that have turned up for Elliot, it's amazing how many people we actually know and regularly forget to send cards to. But it's nice to know they dont forget us.
Elliot took kindly to both Emily and Chris though her new found passion for passing wind repeatedly is proving to be not only a source of humour for daddy, but an easy way for her to get passed back to her mummy or daddy. Perhaps it's a developing defense mechanism!
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Monday 23 July 2007

Foot Mystery solved!

At the scan during Mummys pregnancy the babys feet had been pictured in this position. The midwife was completely unable to explain it.
I think we found the answer to how she managed it!
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Sunday 22 July 2007

Uncle Mark

Well it's been a bloody long time since i saw Mark so it was great to finally catch up. Elliot got to meet his Mystery Fiancee which i knew nothing about until today!
The little sneak!!!!! Nikki was fab, and Mark looks really happy and well. Elliot was extremely comfortable and relaxed around them both, so fingers crossed we've found another pair of "sitters" Mwhahaha
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Saturday 21 July 2007

Sleepy Smiles!

Just to prove that she even gives us massive smiles in her sleep! don't you just just ant to squeeze those cheeks! ;) The little Cutie!
Today we have mostly been reading the new Harry Potter book £5 for the hardback in Asda, we really can't complain. It's had me hooked most of the day.
I have to be honest, it's been very good, i'd expect to finish it very quickly though. at only 600ish pages i think it's shorter than the last been. But it's got a much bigger body count! very nice! hehehe... *SPOILER WARNING* I was impressed that Rowling decided to kill off the owl! No doubt there will be kids all around the world in tears through this cruelty to animals travesty, but from what i've read of the book so far, Potter doesn't even really seem to care at all. Yes it's mentioned a few times. but not really more than a passing twinge of sorrow.
Err.. i better get back to posting something about the baby now! ;)
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Friday 20 July 2007

Sling Time

Billie tried Elliot in the sling again today, she's been desperate to try the sling ever since she got out of hospital but until today hasn't felt strong enough to wear it.
I think it'll be a while before she uses it often, but now we've seen that it's fairly easy to use and that Billie is able to wear it without getting too sore over a short time.
Here's a pic of mummy looking very pleased with herself!
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Thursday 19 July 2007

Auntie Katies Dress

Well we've promised she'd wear it, and here it is. It's taken a while to post as we've been busy. I have to admit i really am not a fan of dresses, but the more she wears them the more they grow on me. I even bought her one myself.
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Wednesday 18 July 2007

Visit to Auntie Kath

Elliot and Mummy went to visit Auntie Kath today, and whilst they were there she got to meet Katie and Emily and Collette, who we've not seen for a good few years.
Everyone is doing really well.
Only one bad thing to say about today and that was that Elliot and Mummy couldn't find anywhere in ripon suitable for breast feeding. One place did have a space for feeding but it was barely sufficient to stand and feed. I gather from what's been said that she WILL NOT be going back there.
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Tuesday 17 July 2007

Wow a full night of sleep!

This picture is quite simple to explain, sorry it's so blurry!
Basically, last night the sleepy one was put to bed after feeding at around 11ish, i awoke this morning at 7ish, to be told that she hadn't woken up once all night.
I'm still in shock and it's nearly midnight again. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that whatever reason she slept through last night will be replicated again today. I know for a fact that Billie must be exhausted, i'm the fragile one, everyone can see i'm tired, but Billie is the one that does the night time feeding and daytime caring, so my tiredness can't be anywhere close to hers.
Elliot you little darling, thank you, even if this good sleeping thing doesn't continue... just thank you for giving us a small break. :)
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Monday 16 July 2007


I don't know how we forgot to take any photo's of Auntie claire but we did. We went to visit her on Friday night, but the only photo we have of her and Elliot is one from earlier in the week when Claire came to visit us.
So seeing as i
1. Forgot to take photo's on Friday night; and
2. Can't remember what we did on Monday evening i'll post this here
There's one major notable difference between Claire earlier in the week and on Friday evening and that's those things on her face. She went for laser surgery on her eyes this week, and as a result those spectacles are now (or at least should be) a thing of the past!
It was lovely to see you Claire, i know Billie loved seeing you again, because despite exhausting herself she insisted we came to see you on Friday evening before you flew back to the inbred isles.
Hope to see you again soon. PS, thank you for all the gifts, and your mothers stitching is amazing! We'll frame it asap!
Oh I just remembered, tonight we watched the last episode of Heroes: Origins (Season One) And quite honestly we have been completely amazed by the whole show. I don't think i've seen any series that's completely enthralled me like this since i first saw Babylon 5 back in 1993. Lost was good, but the whole "superheroes" concept just has me in rapture. Wow! i can't wait for second season Heroes: Generations to start!
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Sunday 15 July 2007

Meet Cameron and Sophie

I don't think I've posted a picture of this duo before, after my sisters meal we went to visit Bill, and his two little helpers.
I think this was about the only time we managed to keep them both still enough for a photo!
Both were completely enthralled by the baby and just wanted to pat her, stroke her and hug her, until everyone was completely loved up.
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Katie's graduation dinner

Went to dinner at the Hallgarth today to celebrate Katie's 2:1. Elliot was quite well behaved until Katie held her. She's a little tyke! Elliot had been twisting all morning as she just was not happy at all! but once we put her in the car she settled down quite well.
The Carvery was very nice and was actually fairly priced. Well worth the money.
We spent some time with my parents before taking Elliot to see her cousins. Cameron was really well behaved with her and just wanted to give her lots of hugs. Sophie just wanted to see what all the fuss was about.
It was gone 9 by the time we got home and frankly we were all exhausted. Though i managed to stay awake and watch a few things. we'd recorded on the V+ box. Crusade, Dexter and My Name is Earl. The latter two were really good. But Crusade was pretty lacklustre again.
I started recording Crusade as it is on at lunchtimes during the week while i'm at work. I am a massive Babylon 5 fan and loved the whole story arc, including the TV movies that were made. But Crusade really suffers with pretty poor storylines. The combat is really lacking aswell.. I really don't understand why they moved to "silent space fights". Yeah it's more realistic but it's not what people want to see... I'm in no doubt as to why the series got cancelled in '98. But i will continue to watch them all to the end ;)

Saturday 14 July 2007

Jo & Wayne Visit

Well Elliot got to meet Jo and Wayne today, Jo is one of Billies friends from school and we're going to their wedding (in September if i remember correctly?) It was good to see them both again, they really seem to be looking forwards to their wedding, which was fab to see. In-fact so much so it pretty much seemed like we ended up in a massive chat about how we arranged our wedding and how they're arranging theirs.
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Friday 13 July 2007

Smiley Face!

It's taken us ages to get a decent picture of her smiling and finally today my wife managed it.
You see Elliot has a habit of smiling, snorting and slightly laughing. It's really strange to watch and highly entertaining. Most people think we're being stupid when we say that, they don't believe that a baby so young can actually respond in this way.
The other problem is that whenever we try and get a photo or a video of her responding like this she stares directly at the camera and goes deadpan, as though she knows we're trying to capture the moment and she doesn't want to share it with the world yet.
Finally today Mummy managed to capture a series of small smiles, and this quirky little grin is my favourite. I think if i can i will crop it and get it printed up.
Gosh my heart melts when i see this face!
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Thursday 12 July 2007

Seven Stories & Musical Bumps

The three troublemakers (err.. six i suppose) returned to their place of work today for the new exhibition opening. Sadly i didn't get a chance to see the new exhibition, but i'll pop over another time.
We managed to get a couple of Dahl's books signed by the Illustrator Quentin Blake who was in attendance for the opening, i'm just a little annoyed that he spelt Elliot with two T's despite having a written sheet with the correct spelling, but this is becoming a habbit with authors that my wife meets.
One of my x-mas presents from last year was signed "for Billie" when in-fact it was for me, not that i hold a grudge, but DAMN YOU MR CORNWALL!! hehe...
Billie also went to a reunion for one of her antenatal classes tonight, which i can tell she loved, i picked her up from it as she's still not allowed to drive. Musical Bumps has quite a magical effect on her every time she goes. Frankly i know she's going to miss that group more than anything. I hope she keeps in touch with the friends she made there.

Wednesday 11 July 2007

Maxine's Last Visit

Well i was pretty sad about this... When i got home today Billie told me that Elliot and herself will now be under the care of the Health Visitor. Which frankly is just another kick in the teeth (yes i know no-one gets a choice in the matter) but just as we'd finally met a midwife we actually enjoed spending time with and felt we had a connection with, she gets snapped away on their busy schedule.
It's nothing really important at the end of the day, but Maxine was pretty much the only midwife whom i felt actually understood why the father was interested in what was happening with the baby and my wifes body. The others just did their utmost to make me feel i was intruding whenever i attended an Antenatal, asked questions or just generally tried to get involved.
Thank you Maxine, you're one in a million. I hope we do see you again next time we decide to go through this childbirth lark.

Tuesday 10 July 2007

Kay pops in

And Elliot remains asleep (Can't post much about this visit atm, Billies asleep and i was at work!)
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Monday 9 July 2007

Auntie Mary Visits

And gets seriously smiled at by a delightfully entertained Elliot. So much smiling was done by all that my face aches. It looks like Mary has the magic touch aswell, though after having so many of her own children i'm not suprised!
Jill brought Sophie and Cameron to meet Elliot also today, so Billie was exhausted for most of the next few days after running around chasing after the pair of trouble makers. Which really wasn't the best thing to be doing so soon after the C-Section, but as i'm posting this belatedly i can say she's doing fine now.
Cameron got his hands on the camera and took some strange photo's but i think there's one or two i can crop that might turn out well, I'll have a look and see what i can do later.
Thanks to everyone for the gifts, hope you like the pictures we passed on.
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First Day back at work

Damn did it drag! I realy was starting to think that going back to work would be a welcome change, as in all honesty despite how much i love being at home with Billie we do grate on each other after a couple of weeks soley in each others company. Especially when we've been doing "EVERYTHING" together... i guess we just run out of things to talk about.
But every minute at work away from her and Elliot felt like an hour. By the time i finally got home at 5.30 i felt as though i'd worked a 24 hour shift. Not to mention that i was too tired to even watch Heroes which i was desperately wanting to watch this evening. All i can say is thank god for the V+ box.
We had visitors when i got home tonight, Auntie Mary had come to visit Elliot and also Auntie Jill with Sophie and Cameron.
Thanks to you all for vistiting, and thank you for the gifts (i'll post pictures when i remember to download the photo's from the camera).

Sunday 8 July 2007

Auntie Emma and Uncle Mike

Visited today, we completely forgot to take photo's so thank you to Emma for allowing us to use it. We are still dumbstruck by the fact that Emma hasn't held a baby before. How on earth did you manage to avoid it for so long? It seems like ages since we last saw each other.
We'll see you both again at your wedding though! Fingers crossed we finally have some proper summer weather by then. Oh... you really shouldn't have left the in-laws in the car! There's plenty of room here for everyone to come in!
Thank you for the lovely gifts, Elliot's being spoiled rotten! I'm especially a big fan of the sleeping bag/grow bag. I'm sure it'll be fab and useful! (I'm too lazy to use sheets!)
Also need to say thank you to Ryan for coming to visit. We're extremely impressed with how relaxed Elliot is around you, with some people she cries even in her sleep! but she settled happily with you. I suspect you may have fallen into the "babysitter" trap we set for you! ;)
PS: That new Focus looks fab! we're well and truly impressed with it.
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Saturday 7 July 2007

Visit to Durham

We took little Elliot to Durham today, We were on an errand to pick up a present for Auntie Kay, whom we'd forgotten is about to celebrate her 21st Birthday (again). so as it's been such a beautiful day we went to the land of the prince bishops.
Also Grandma came to visit this afternoon and has spent a long time cuddling little Elliot with absolutely no intention of ever letting go.
It's amazing how much a sunny day cheers the soul, Elliot has been quite lively today, and we even took the duo (her and the dog) to Herrington Park, we love that place, though Billie has taken to calling the bridle path there "contraction lane". I think the names pretty self explanatory.

Friday 6 July 2007

Elliot and Daddys new toys

Well, i said the other day that we'd received a new pressie and that Elliot also had a new toy. They're both visible in the picture but can you guess which is mine?
OK i don't really expect you to guess...
Yes that's it i couldn't wait any longer and seeing as play.com were having a sale we decided to finally purchase one of the TMX Elmo's as we've both loved the tickle me Elmo's since we first bought one all those many years ago when we first got together.
And Elliot's new toy was bought by Grandma and at the moment it appears she loves it (which is great! as we hope it'll keep her quiet while we watch some of the TV we've been missing for the last few weeks). I have to admit the voices are a bit annoying, but I'm guessing most kids toys are like that. I haven't seen one yet that doesn't make some noise, crinkly sounds, beeps, dings, plinky songs etc...
Well other than play with our new toys all day i have to admit we've not really done much else today. So i shall leave it at that.
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Thursday 5 July 2007

Paul, Julia & Beth

I forgot to post this picture the other night, i posted one of Ryan but hadn't uploaded this one to the computer.
Next time we visit we'll try to get one with Laura aswell.
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Lazy day!

Well we've spent today mostly sitting on the sofa enjoying the rare opportunity to have nothing really busy to do. We considered doing some shopping and pondered on going out for a walk, but really we couldn't be fussed with all the effort that takes.
It's a good job too as the health visitor turned up unannounced and also for the first time in the two weeks i've been off the postman actually delivered a package without shoving a red card through the door... and what an exellent package it was! I think i'll post a picture of what it is later.
Well i've not really got anything particularly interesting to say today, though i will add that the little fidget is apparently undergoing a growth spurt (already!!) and the moaning and complaining she's been doing today is actually as a result of this. Which also (at least in part) explains when she's spent almost the entire evening and all day feeding! The greedy little monkey!
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Wednesday 4 July 2007

Hello Auntie Lynn & Uncle Ron

Another evening of visiting tonight, we had a pretty relaxed day but Billie went to visit the Brownies with Elliot, so we took the opportunity to take her to visit her parents, and also Lynn & Ron.
I managed to catch them both unawares with the camera once i turned the flash off and they were distracted. I have to say i prefer the non posed pictures anyway, i prefer it when people don't spot you taking the pciture and just continue with what they're doing (in this case adoring our baby).
We got another pile of gifts for our little girly, a beautiful set of towels from Margaret that have been embroidered with Elliots name and some Winnie the Pooh characters. a lovely First Year photo frame from the Brownies, some gorgeous clothes from Sarah and also from Lynn. I'll make sure we get photo's of her wearing all these gifts before she outgrows them all.
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Tuesday 3 July 2007

The Angel Sleeps

Surprisingly well in all honesty, we've had a few awkward nights, but the majority of them have been pretty good so far, she's sleeping well in the evening and also sleeping pretty much all day.. it's pretty obvious who she takes after! ;)
Today we had a visit from Debbie and baby Stanley, the former works with Billie and is also a new mum.
Sadly i didn't manage to get a photo of the pair but i shall make up for that the next time they visit.
Debbie mentioned a festival in a village near her that's on soon at Black Hill? i think she said. we've had a chat and it looks like we're going to try and visit it.
Thanks for the visit hunny, was lovely to finally meet you! Stanley was gorgeous!
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