Monday 9 July 2007

Auntie Mary Visits

And gets seriously smiled at by a delightfully entertained Elliot. So much smiling was done by all that my face aches. It looks like Mary has the magic touch aswell, though after having so many of her own children i'm not suprised!
Jill brought Sophie and Cameron to meet Elliot also today, so Billie was exhausted for most of the next few days after running around chasing after the pair of trouble makers. Which really wasn't the best thing to be doing so soon after the C-Section, but as i'm posting this belatedly i can say she's doing fine now.
Cameron got his hands on the camera and took some strange photo's but i think there's one or two i can crop that might turn out well, I'll have a look and see what i can do later.
Thanks to everyone for the gifts, hope you like the pictures we passed on.
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