Sunday 15 July 2007

Katie's graduation dinner

Went to dinner at the Hallgarth today to celebrate Katie's 2:1. Elliot was quite well behaved until Katie held her. She's a little tyke! Elliot had been twisting all morning as she just was not happy at all! but once we put her in the car she settled down quite well.
The Carvery was very nice and was actually fairly priced. Well worth the money.
We spent some time with my parents before taking Elliot to see her cousins. Cameron was really well behaved with her and just wanted to give her lots of hugs. Sophie just wanted to see what all the fuss was about.
It was gone 9 by the time we got home and frankly we were all exhausted. Though i managed to stay awake and watch a few things. we'd recorded on the V+ box. Crusade, Dexter and My Name is Earl. The latter two were really good. But Crusade was pretty lacklustre again.
I started recording Crusade as it is on at lunchtimes during the week while i'm at work. I am a massive Babylon 5 fan and loved the whole story arc, including the TV movies that were made. But Crusade really suffers with pretty poor storylines. The combat is really lacking aswell.. I really don't understand why they moved to "silent space fights". Yeah it's more realistic but it's not what people want to see... I'm in no doubt as to why the series got cancelled in '98. But i will continue to watch them all to the end ;)

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