Wednesday 4 July 2007

Hello Auntie Lynn & Uncle Ron

Another evening of visiting tonight, we had a pretty relaxed day but Billie went to visit the Brownies with Elliot, so we took the opportunity to take her to visit her parents, and also Lynn & Ron.
I managed to catch them both unawares with the camera once i turned the flash off and they were distracted. I have to say i prefer the non posed pictures anyway, i prefer it when people don't spot you taking the pciture and just continue with what they're doing (in this case adoring our baby).
We got another pile of gifts for our little girly, a beautiful set of towels from Margaret that have been embroidered with Elliots name and some Winnie the Pooh characters. a lovely First Year photo frame from the Brownies, some gorgeous clothes from Sarah and also from Lynn. I'll make sure we get photo's of her wearing all these gifts before she outgrows them all.
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