Friday 13 July 2007

Smiley Face!

It's taken us ages to get a decent picture of her smiling and finally today my wife managed it.
You see Elliot has a habit of smiling, snorting and slightly laughing. It's really strange to watch and highly entertaining. Most people think we're being stupid when we say that, they don't believe that a baby so young can actually respond in this way.
The other problem is that whenever we try and get a photo or a video of her responding like this she stares directly at the camera and goes deadpan, as though she knows we're trying to capture the moment and she doesn't want to share it with the world yet.
Finally today Mummy managed to capture a series of small smiles, and this quirky little grin is my favourite. I think if i can i will crop it and get it printed up.
Gosh my heart melts when i see this face!
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