Friday 6 July 2007

Elliot and Daddys new toys

Well, i said the other day that we'd received a new pressie and that Elliot also had a new toy. They're both visible in the picture but can you guess which is mine?
OK i don't really expect you to guess...
Yes that's it i couldn't wait any longer and seeing as were having a sale we decided to finally purchase one of the TMX Elmo's as we've both loved the tickle me Elmo's since we first bought one all those many years ago when we first got together.
And Elliot's new toy was bought by Grandma and at the moment it appears she loves it (which is great! as we hope it'll keep her quiet while we watch some of the TV we've been missing for the last few weeks). I have to admit the voices are a bit annoying, but I'm guessing most kids toys are like that. I haven't seen one yet that doesn't make some noise, crinkly sounds, beeps, dings, plinky songs etc...
Well other than play with our new toys all day i have to admit we've not really done much else today. So i shall leave it at that.
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