Monday 9 July 2007

First Day back at work

Damn did it drag! I realy was starting to think that going back to work would be a welcome change, as in all honesty despite how much i love being at home with Billie we do grate on each other after a couple of weeks soley in each others company. Especially when we've been doing "EVERYTHING" together... i guess we just run out of things to talk about.
But every minute at work away from her and Elliot felt like an hour. By the time i finally got home at 5.30 i felt as though i'd worked a 24 hour shift. Not to mention that i was too tired to even watch Heroes which i was desperately wanting to watch this evening. All i can say is thank god for the V+ box.
We had visitors when i got home tonight, Auntie Mary had come to visit Elliot and also Auntie Jill with Sophie and Cameron.
Thanks to you all for vistiting, and thank you for the gifts (i'll post pictures when i remember to download the photo's from the camera).

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