Thursday 5 July 2007

Lazy day!

Well we've spent today mostly sitting on the sofa enjoying the rare opportunity to have nothing really busy to do. We considered doing some shopping and pondered on going out for a walk, but really we couldn't be fussed with all the effort that takes.
It's a good job too as the health visitor turned up unannounced and also for the first time in the two weeks i've been off the postman actually delivered a package without shoving a red card through the door... and what an exellent package it was! I think i'll post a picture of what it is later.
Well i've not really got anything particularly interesting to say today, though i will add that the little fidget is apparently undergoing a growth spurt (already!!) and the moaning and complaining she's been doing today is actually as a result of this. Which also (at least in part) explains when she's spent almost the entire evening and all day feeding! The greedy little monkey!
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