Sunday 1 July 2007

Auntie Katie and Grandma visit

Well Auntie Katie and Grandma have just left, they've been here for a few hours. Elliot somehow made a judgement call and decided that Grandma was more comfortable than Auntie and proceeded to make sure that we all knew it. (it's not fun to watch, especially when i struggle to calm her myself!) It really does seem that my mother hasn't lost her touch after all these years.
We had a discussion about what we call Elliot ourselves, it seems a lot of the family are calling her Elli but being the dad i really have to say i'm not that keen on it. I'm not going to stop anyone calling her that, but i've decided to adopt the name Lottie.
It was lovely to see you both again, as i said before just come anytime it's not as though we're going anywhere anytime soon! Next time stay for some dinner, i am actually able to cook somethings, yeah you might have to abide beans on toast but it's better than nothing! ;)
Sis i'll make sure she's more sleepy when you turn up next time, so that she wont cry!
Oh and i hope you bring your car up to show us soon, it looks nice in the piccys!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice pic