Sunday 1 July 2007

One week anniversary!

Well i kinda forgot about this (lord knows how) but as of Friday Elliot was one week old! which means just another nine hundred and thirty five weeks before i will be able to tell her to go and sort her own life out (meh as if..)
I debated about posting this image or not, frankly i really didn't want to as i really should wear t-shirts more often around the house! But as I'm such an exhibitionist in my own home i figure there's nothing here you won't see elsewhere.
So on Elliot's first week birthday you can see here that i have taken to teaching her the basics of wireless Internet browsing. Unfortunately she has yet to develop the fine motor skills (or interest) required to appreciate yon interwebby, nor did the sight of the TBB, SiR, BBC or in-fact any website illicit any signs of interest from her. However she did manage to discover that pressing any of the following keys frustrated Daddy!:
Right Mouse Button
Left Mouse button
Windows Button
and i believe there were also a multitude of other buttons she managed to press in sequences that i have no concept of, but that managed to do all sorts of interesting things, from flipping the monitor through 90 degrees (Ctrl+Shift+left i think) bringing up the restore menu, bringing up a backup menu and a few other sub menus i haven't seen for a while.
So to bring this back to the point, here's a piccy of me and Elliot doing what i do best on her one week anniversary!
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1 comment:

CareShare Network said...

Congrats! One week down and, thanfully, a couple hundred more to go.